Dental Implants

Have you been looking to get your dental implant in Viman Nagar? Smylexl dental implants are the best way to replace your missing teeth painlessly and quickly. There are several skilled dental surgeons in pune who use the latest dental implant techniques for maximum effectiveness.

Dental implants, used in prosthetic dentistry, are a method of artificial tooth root replacement. The purpose of this procedure is to replace missing teeth. In this treatment, titanium is fused into the patient’s jawbone to prepare the root for the artificial teeth.


The two main stages are:

  • Dental implant surgery: In the first stage, dental implants are placed in the jawbone of the patient.
  • Implant restoration: Here, the crown is finally built on the dental implants.

The two stages are separated by a minimum of three months, during which healing occurs. The duration for the complete process varies from patient to patient. It depends on many factors, such as the patient’s health condition. Both these stages have been made pain- and anxiety-free with the use of sedation. Dentists normally apply local anesthetics for this purpose.

Success Rates

The complete time of treatment for  dental implants may span anywhere from three to nine months. However, in some cases, the duration may be longer. The largest time is spent on healing and for the fusion of the implant with the jawbone.

In certain cases, dentists may restore the implants immediately after the preparation of the root. This process is known as immediate loading. Since the duration of this procedure is very small, patients can go back home after the restoration within a single day. Success rates for the implants have been very high, with rarely any case of complications.


They are more effective than the traditional method of tooth replacement involving dentures or bridgework. So, if you have been wearing those ill-fitting dentures, just get rid of them and opt for the dental implants. It also allow you to chew your food easily, since they are very similar to the original teeth. They also provide improved comfort, increased stability, greater ease of speech and a more attractive smile.

So if you want to replace your missing teeth with a natural-looking set, consult the experts at Pune Dental Designs. The dental clinic has been instrumental in improving the quality of life of several Minneapolis residents with their best dental services.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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