Why Do We Have Bad Breath?

Bad breath also known as halitosis is a condition that will jeopardize a person’s social and even professional life. Some people have it worse than others do especially when the condition becomes chronic. In such a case, it becomes difficult to get rid of the bad breath through regular methods such as brushing teeth or using mouthwash.

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There are various causes, the basic of which is poor oral hygiene. When food particles are left in between teeth, they will decay and cause bad odor.  A lot of cases are easily dealt with when victims improve their dental health by brushing and flossing teeth as regularly as recommended as well as having routine dental checkups and cleaning. As part of lack of good oral hygiene, improper cleaning of dentures for people who use them also leads to bad breath.  The other common cause of halitosis is some foods that you consume. Garlic and onions top the list together with certain spicy foods. In addition, tobacco also contributes greatly to bad breath besides discoloring teeth.

Certain medical conditions contribute to halitosis as well. Sinusitis is one of the most common causes in addition to diabetes, nose infections, bronchitis, and respiratory infection. At the same time, people who suffer from the case of dry mouth consequently suffer from bad breath. The mouth usually lacks enough saliva flow, which can be as a result of several reasons. These include being on certain medication that restrain the flow of saliva in the mouth such as vitamin supplements or suffering from salivary gland disorders. Breathing from the mouth continuously also causes the mouth to dry and therefore produce a bad odor. In addition to all these causes, halitosis is attributed to the large number of bacteria that inhabit the mouth. Their function is to breakdown proteins into amino acids and in the process, they produce smelly gases that translate to halitosis. The same bacteria also acts on food particles left in the mouth, which eventually leads to gum disease that in turn, causes bad breath.

The good news is that halitosis can be treated as well as prevented. The first step is to improve dental hygiene by brushing teeth regularly. A good brand of toothpaste will help fight bacteria and keep your breath fresh. It is also important to always clean the tongue as it harbors a lot of debris that causes bad odor. Visiting a dentist after every six months is also recommended during which they will conduct a thorough dental checkup as you also receive dental cleaning. Treating of chronic bad breath particularly calls for a change in lifestyle. This is more so for people who smoke, consume too much alcohol, or chew tobacco.

Drinking a lot of water regularly across the day is especially helpful to people who suffer from dry mouth. This helps expose the mouth to more oxygen thus reducing bad breath. Mouthwashes are also known to assist in treating bad breath with their antibacterial elements. You will also need to regulate the intake of foods that cause bad breath to treat the condition effectively. Worst cases of chronic halitosis are best taken to specialists for professional treatment.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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