Dental Implant Treatment in Viman Nagar: Key Considerations

Dental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and advancements in dentistry have introduced various treatments to address issues like missing teeth. Among these, dental implant treatment stands out as a reliable and effective solution. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins and outs of dental implant treatment in Viman Nagar, shedding light on the procedure, benefits, and factors to consider when choosing a dental clinic.

Understanding Dental Implants

Definition and Purpose

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots surgically implanted into the jawbone. The primary purpose is to provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth, ensuring improved functionality and aesthetics.

Types of Dental Implants

There are various types of dental implants, including endosteal and subperiosteal implants. Each type caters to specific needs, and a thorough understanding is essential for making informed decisions.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Improved Aesthetics and Functionality

One of the key advantages of dental implants is the enhancement of both appearance and functionality. The replacement teeth look and feel natural, restoring confidence and enabling seamless chewing and speech.

Long-term Durability

Dental implants boast remarkable durability, often lasting a lifetime with proper care. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, they don’t require frequent replacements, making them a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Preservation of Jawbone

Implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and maintaining facial structure. This crucial benefit sets dental implants apart, addressing not only aesthetic concerns but also preserving oral health.

Choosing Dental Implant Treatment in Viman Nagar

Viman Nagar as a Popular Location for Dental Care

Viman Nagar has emerged as a hub for quality dental care, with numerous clinics offering specialized services. The central location, accessibility, and a range of facilities make it an attractive choice for individuals seeking dental treatments.

Factors Influencing the Choice of Location

When choosing a location for dental implant treatment, factors such as proximity, reputation, and recommendations play a pivotal role. Viman Nagar excels in meeting these criteria, making it a preferred destination for dental procedures.

Qualities of a Reputable Dental Clinic

Accreditation and Certifications

A reputable dental clinic should be accredited and hold relevant certifications. These credentials ensure adherence to industry standards and a commitment to providing high-quality care.

Experienced and Skilled Professionals

The expertise of dental professionals is crucial for the success of implant procedures. A clinic with experienced and skilled dentists instills confidence in patients, assuring them of competent care.

Advanced Technology and Equipment

State-of-the-art technology and equipment contribute to the efficiency and precision of dental implant procedures. Choosing a clinic with modern facilities enhances the overall treatment experience.

The Dental Implant Procedure

Consultation and Assessment

The journey begins with a thorough consultation and assessment. The dentist evaluates the patient’s oral health, discusses treatment options, and addresses any concerns or questions.

Implant Placement Process

The actual implant placement involves a surgical procedure where the implant is securely positioned in the jawbone. This phase requires precision and is typically performed under local anesthesia.

Recovery and Aftercare

Post-implantation, a recovery period ensues. Patients are provided with detailed aftercare instructions to promote healing. Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor progress and address any issues.

Common Misconceptions About Dental Implants

Addressing Myths and Concerns

Several misconceptions surround dental implants, including concerns about pain, safety, and success rates. Clarifying these myths is essential for patients to make informed decisions without unnecessary apprehensions.

Clarifying the Safety and Success Rates

Extensive research supports the safety and high success rates of dental implants. Understanding the scientific basis behind these procedures dispels doubts, fostering trust in the effectiveness of implant treatments.

Cost Considerations

Factors Influencing the Cost

The cost of dental implant treatment varies based on factors such as the number of implants, materials used, and additional procedures. A transparent discussion about costs ensures that patients can plan accordingly.

Long-term Cost-effectiveness of Dental Implants

While the initial cost of dental implants may seem higher than alternative treatments, their long-term cost-effectiveness becomes apparent over time. The durability and minimal maintenance contribute to overall savings.

Patient Testimonials

Real-life Experiences

Listening to the experiences of individuals who have undergone dental implant treatment provides valuable insights. Positive testimonials highlight successful outcomes and the positive impact on patients’ lives.

Positive Outcomes and Satisfaction

Many patients express satisfaction with their decision to choose dental implants. The restored confidence and improved oral health contribute to an enhanced overall quality of life.

Risks and Complications

Discussing Potential Issues

As with any medical procedure, dental implants come with potential risks and complications. Educating patients about these possibilities ensures they are well-informed and can take necessary precautions.

Importance of Following Post-treatment Guidelines

Minimizing risks post-implantation involves strict adherence to post-treatment guidelines. Patients must follow care instructions diligently to promote healing and prevent complications.

Alternatives to Dental Implants

Brief Overview of Alternative Treatments

While dental implants are a popular choice, alternative treatments such as dentures and bridges exist. A brief comparison helps individuals weigh the pros and cons, guiding them towards the most suitable option.

Comparison with Dental Implants

Highlighting the advantages and limitations of alternative treatments compared to dental implants aids in informed decision-making. The goal is to empower individuals to choose the option that aligns with their preferences and needs.

Maintaining Oral Health Post-Implant

Oral Hygiene Practices

Proper oral hygiene is crucial for the longevity of dental implants. Patients receive guidance on effective oral care practices to prevent issues such as infections and gum disease.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Scheduled check-ups with the implant specialist ensure ongoing monitoring of oral health. Routine examinations allow for the timely detection and resolution of any emerging concerns.

Choosing the Right Dental Implant Specialist

Researching and Selecting a Qualified Professional

Selecting a qualified and experienced dental implant specialist is paramount. Thorough research, reviews, and recommendations assist individuals in making an informed choice for their dental health.

Importance of Clear Communication

Effective communication between the patient and the specialist is vital. Clear discussions about expectations, potential challenges, and post-treatment care contribute to a positive experience.

Future Innovations in Dental Implant Technology

Advances in Dental Implant Procedures

Ongoing research and technological advancements continue to enhance dental implant procedures. The future holds promises of more efficient, less invasive, and technologically advanced implant treatments.

Predictions for the Future of Dental Implantology

Anticipating future developments in dental implantology provides a glimpse into the evolving landscape of oral healthcare. Innovations may lead to even more accessible, affordable, and advanced dental implant options.


In conclusion, dental implant treatment in Viman Nagar offers a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking reliable and long-lasting solutions for missing teeth. By understanding the procedure, benefits, and considerations, individuals can make informed decisions about their oral health. Choosing a reputable clinic, following aftercare instructions, and maintaining regular check-ups are integral to a successful dental implant experience.

4 Reasons Why Oral Bacterial Infections Can Be Painful!

Bacterial infections are not particularly ordinary but when it occurs, it can often be speedily progressive and critical which can turn to be deadly without prompt diagnosis and remedy. The human mouth contains around 500 to 1000 types of bacteria that have various functions. While some of the bacteria in our mouths are harmful and can cause serious illness, much of our oral bacteria are actually beneficial in preventing oral infections and diseases. Oral infection most frequently causes tooth decay and cold. Here dentist tells us about the different kinds of oral infection one can suffer from.

Visit Our dental clinic in ahmednagar, SmyleXL Dental Clinic to Learn More about dental care.

Oral cavities

Bacteria convert sweet and starchy foods, into acid, which affects the enamel of teeth. The bacteria and bits of food in the mouth combine into a thin film known as plaque over a period of time it can lead to cavities. A person with cavities experiences ache and sensitivity in the affected tooth, usually when eating cold, hot, or sweet foods. If left untouched it may lead to long-term tooth sensitivity and weakened teeth that may result in tooth loss.


Periodontitis is a common chronic bacterial infection of the supporting structures of the teeth gums and jaws.


Bleeding gums, swollen gums and mouth sores indicates possibilities of gingivitis. Gingivitis is treated with meticulous dental cleaning process. Gingivitis can lead tosolemn periodontal disease that in the due course of time affects the ligaments that hold the teeth in the gums leading to tooth loss. It is very vital to treat it at the earliest.

Causes of gum irritation that leads to gingivitis include:

  • Poor dental care and habits
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Poorly controlled diabetes or such other continuing illnesses

Foci of infection

Such infections can affect many other vital systems, such as the cardiovascular and renal systems. Yes, this is why it is necessary to have good oral hygiene.


Thrush is an augmentation of candida, a fungus that can thrive in moist areas around body openings such as the mouth. It causes cracks at the edges of the mouth, lips, tongue, and palate. Thrush generally is not contagious, but newborns may come in contact with the fungus during birth if the mother has a vaginal yeast infection. People with weakened immune systems, may be more vulnerable to thrush.

source: thehealthline

Women And Dental Health: Looking After Your Teeth Through The Years

To maintain good dental health, all individuals need to know about the dental issues that might affect them. Here is how a woman should take care of her dental health through the years.

Visit our dental clinic in viman nagar, SmyleXL dental facility to discover progressively about dental problems.

If you thought the ebb and flow of your hormones is limited to fluctuations in your mood, think again. It turns out, hormonal changes at different stages of a woman’s life also have an impact on their oral health. Dentist explains that hormones play a very important role in the mental, social, physical and oral health of a woman at every age group.

“Every age group is a new challenge for a woman as the body goes through a lot. Their health is affected differently at every stage,” he continued. This article shed light on how important it is for women to take care of their dental health through the years.

Dental Health Of Women At Different Ages

dentist explains how age affects the oral health of a woman at different ages.

Teenage Girls (Ages 13-15 years)

Puberty hits you badly and takes a toll on your health. Your appearance changes, your face, your body changes, and so does your teeth. While you might not see a big difference when it comes to the appearance of your teeth but you may experience problems like swelling and bleeding. If left untreated, it can lead to gingivitis and periodontitis.

“Gums are the foundation of teeth. If these problems are left untreated, it can lead to problems which cannot be controlled,” he said.

he further explained that this age is the right time to check for braces. Timely treatment can help one avoid extraction and have the best results.

Under 40

This is a healthy age for your teeth, and women are less likely to face dental problems from 20 onwards. However, a proper dental care regime is required to avoid dental problems in the future. This is also the time when a woman goes through some major changes in her life. He conceives and becomes a mother can cause so many hormonal changes. It is vital to check on gums and teeth during this phase as you might face problems like teeth sensitivity, enamel loss, constant bad breath due to gingival changes.

Above 40 (The Premenopausal And Menopausal Stage)

When a woman hits the age of 40, her body undergoes yet another change which causes a major hormonal change in her body. After the age of 40, a woman does a natural cessation of her menstrual cycle, which marks the end of fertility. This phase is known as menopause. Perimenopause refers to the time during which a woman’s body transitions to menopause.

dentist explains that these major hormonal changes can affect your gums, hence it is essential to take for your teeth during this period.

“Full mouth X-rays, known as OPG (Orthopantomogram), which is a panoramic scanning dental X-ray of the upper and lower jaw. This X-ray can help you understand if you have any bone loss around the teeth as it may even lead to tooth loss at a later stage,” he said.

Some women also complain of enamel loss and unhealthy teeth that need to be taken care of immediately.

A Word From The Expert

Just like any other body part, taking take of your teeth is equally as important and should be given a priority. Women should be more careful of dental issues as they go through some drastic changes throughout their life. You should always plan at the right age instead of waiting for the disaster to happen.

source: thehealthsite

Five Fast Facts About Dental Implants

Our teeth do a lot of work for us over our lifetime. Eating, stress-induced grinding and plain old wear and tear means that over time we may lose some, for a variety of reasons. The good news is that, thanks to advances in technology, there’s no need to live with any unsightly gaps in your smile. In fact, the accessibility and affordability of options nowadays means that dental implants are becoming very commonplace.

Visit our dental clinic in viman nagar, SmyleXL dental facility to discover progressively about dental problems.

Like any procedure, it’s important that you find the best dentist in viman nagar, there is an extensive list of professionals to consult with. But before you begin, let’s delve into a few interesting facts about dental implants that can ease any worries you may have.

The surgery is safe

When considering this procedure it’s easy to assume that surgery on the jaw means it’s complicated. However, implants are routine surgery that is performed by dentists all the time. Nevertheless, it’s still important to find the best dentist in viman nagar for you and your needs. It’s normal to have questions and concerns and speaking with an expert is the most effective way to determine whether this is the right path for you.

They’re made to last a lifetime

Did you know that these new teeth are made from titanium? That’s the same material used to make space shuttles and rockets – it’s one of the strongest materials found on the planet. Your dental implant acts as a replacement root for the missing tooth and, with proper care, you can expect them to last a lifetime.

Say goodbye to cavities

Another useful feature of using titanium is that it’s impossible for you to get cavities. However, as the best dentist in viman nagar will tell you, that’s not an invitation to neglect general hygiene. It’s still important to follow a regular flossing and brushing routine to maintain overall mouth health. Plus, it prevents bad breath!

They can strengthen your jaw

When a tooth is lost, there is no need for the bone supporting that tooth to hang around anymore, which means that the jawbone reabsorbs and recedes. This can lead to misshaping of the jawbone and mouth, creating a sunken appearance. However, since dental implants function as normal teeth, they can help strengthen the jawbone and preserve the bone.

They’re like natural teeth (almost!)

As mentioned previously, implants are virtually the same as your natural teeth, which is why it’s often the preferred option when resolving the problem of tooth loss. They’re just as strong (if not stronger) and have the added benefit of remaining cavity-free.

These are just a few of the interesting facts concerning dental implants that might help you decide whether they’ll be the right procedure for your circumstance. The most important thing to remember is that it’s a safe and very common surgery – however, finding the best dentist in viman nagar to carry out the procedure should be at the top of your list when beginning your journey.

source: amazines

Dental myths about dental braces

Everyone is conscious of their appearance. And we know that teeth play a critical role in it. Properly aligned teeth are a blessing for some people, and they’re fortunate. But everyone is not that fortunate.

Misaligned teeth hamper our personality and smile. In this case, we have to go to a cosmetic dentist. He is the person who knows the methods to align the teeth and make them presentable.

To learn more about dental braces visit us our Dental Clinic in Rahuri.

Dental braces are the major tool used for teeth alignment. As there is a drop in the dental braces price in general, more people undergo the treatment and correct their smiles.

Aligned teeth not only improve appearance but also have many health benefits. For example, oral hygiene improves significantly when the teeth get aligned. It is because the toothbrush reaches every corner and cleans the teeth properly.

Also, there is an improvement in speech and pronunciation when teeth get aligned.

Though the treatment of misaligned teeth using braces is simple and effective, still many people hesitate to undergo the treatment. It is because they get confused by various misconceptions prevailing about dental braces.

The fact is that all these misconceptions are just myths. Let’s understand a few of them.

Myth: Braces are painful and awkward

Even if dental braces become affordable, many people do not opt for them because they think it is uncomfortable and painful to wear braces. The mouth aches the entire day.

However, you will be surprised to know that you do not feel anything unusual while wearing braces. You forget them most of the time. They become a part of your life and daily routine.

Myth: Braces are suitable when you are a kid

Again, it is just a myth. The fact is that more than one-third of braces are used by people more than 18 years of age. As dental braces price is getting low every year, more adults are thinking about using them for teeth alignment.

Whether you are a kid or an adult, braces are just right for you if orthodontic treatment is required. Do not get embarrassed by your misaligned teeth anymore. Meet a specialist cosmic dental expert.

Myth: Braces are required for cosmetic reasons only

Do you think that braces are required only if the front teeth are misaligned because they are visible? No, you are mistaken. Indeed, the cosmetic benefits are more when you align the front teeth, but the alignment of the inner teeth is equally important.

Remember, aligned teeth are always healthy teeth. It is because your toothbrush would reach every corner of the mouth when the teeth are correctly aligned. You can floss them well.

Myth: Only when you want straight teeth, do you need braces

dentistry treatment concept. Happy smiling woman showing her dental braces on teeth

People use braces to align their teeth and make them straight. However, it is not only the reason you need braces. They are useful for treating crowded teeth when the gap is uneven or when there is no gap at all.

Braces can correct a range of complex problems and resolve several issues. Orthodontists treat several problems with the help of braces. You need to contact an expert and get the dental brace’s price.

Myth: Any dentist can provide braces

Dental treatment can be obtained from an expert but there are many different types of expertise. Braces are provided by Orthodontists. He is an expert that can align the teeth. You can contact the nearest orthodontist and learn more about the benefits of braces. You should call the doctor and request an appointment.

source: sabkadentist

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Even though they are temporary, your child’s baby teeth are important, and are still susceptible to cavities. Tooth decay in infants and toddlers is often referred to as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, or Early Childhood Caries. Children need strong, healthy teeth to chew their food, speak and have a good-looking smile. Their first teeth also help make sure their adult teeth come in correctly. It’s important to start infants off with good oral care to help protect their teeth for decades to come.

Visit our dental clinic near kharadi, SmyleXL dental facility to discover progressively about dental problems.

What Causes Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay most often occurs in the upper front teeth, but other teeth may also be affected.

There are many factors which can cause tooth decay. One common cause is the frequent, prolonged exposure of the baby’s teeth to drinks that contain sugar. Tooth decay can occur when the baby is put to bed with a bottle, or when a bottle is used as a pacifier for a fussy baby.

Tooth decay is a disease that can begin with cavity-causing bacteria being passed from the mother (or primary caregiver) to the infant. These bacteria are passed through the saliva. When the mother puts the baby’s feeding spoon in her mouth, or cleans a pacifier in her mouth, the bacteria can be passed to the baby.

If your infant or toddler does not receive an adequate amount of fluoride, they may also have an increased risk for tooth decay. The good news is that decay is preventable.

Preventing Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

  • Try not to share saliva with the baby through common use of feeding spoons or licking pacifiers. After each feeding, wipe your child’s gums with a clean, damp gauze pad or washcloth.
  • When your child’s teeth come in, brush them gently with a child-size toothbrush and a smear (or grain of rice sized amount) of fluoride toothpaste until the age of 3. 
  • Brush the teeth with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste from the ages of 3 to 6.
  • Supervise brushing until your child can be counted on to spit and not swallow toothpaste—usually not before he or she is 6 or 7.
  • Place only formula, milk or breast milk in bottles. Avoid filling the bottle with liquids such as sugar water, juice or soft drinks.
  • Infants should finish their bedtime and nap time bottles before going to bed.
  • If your child uses a pacifier, provide one that is clean—don’t dip it in sugar or honey.
  • Encourage your child to drink from a cup by his/her first birthday.
  • Encourage healthy eating habits.

When your child’s first tooth appears, talk to your dentist about scheduling the first dental visit. Treat the first dental visit as you would a well-baby checkup with the child’s physician. Remember: starting early is the key to a lifetime of good dental health.

source: mouthhealthy

Dental care – adult

Tooth decay and gum disease are caused by plaque, a sticky combination of bacteria and food. Plaque begins to build up on teeth within a few minutes after eating. If teeth are not cleaned well each day, plaque will lead to tooth decay or gum disease. If you do not remove plaque, it turns into a hard deposit called tartar that becomes trapped at the base of the tooth. Plaque and tartar irritate and inflame the gums. Bacteria and the toxins they produce cause the gums to become:

  • Infected
  • Swollen
  • Tender
  • By taking good care of your teeth and gums, you can help prevent problems such as tooth decay (caries) and gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis). You should also teach your children how to brush and floss from an early age to help them protect their teeth.

Call Our Dentist in Viman Nagar, SmyleXL Dental Clinic to Learn More about dental care.

Plaque and tartar lead to a number of problems:

  • Cavities are holes that damage the structure of teeth.
  • Gingivitis is swollen, inflamed, and bleeding gums,
  • Periodontitis is the destruction of the ligaments and bone that support the teeth, often leading to tooth loss.
  • Bad breath (halitosis).
  • Abscesses, pain, inability to use your teeth.
  • Other health problems outside the mouth, ranging from preterm labor to heart disease.
  • Information


Healthy teeth are clean and have no cavities. Healthy gums are pink and firm, and do not bleed. To maintain healthy teeth and gums, follow these steps:

  • Floss at least once per day. It is best to floss after brushing. Flossing removes plaque that is left behind after brushing from between the teeth and on the gums.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brush for at least 2 minutes each time.
  • Use fluoride toothpaste. The fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel and helps prevent tooth decay.
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months or sooner if needed. A worn-out toothbrush will not clean your teeth as well. If you use an electric toothbrush, change heads every 3 to 4 months as well.
  • Eat a healthy diet. You are less likely to get gum disease if you eat healthy foods.
  • Avoid sweets and sweetened drinks. Eating and drinking a lot of sweets increases your risk of cavities. If you do eat or drink sweets, brush your teeth soon after.
  • Do not smoke. Smokers have more teeth and gum problems than non-smokers.
  • Keep dentures, retainers, and other appliances clean. This includes brushing them regularly. You may also need to soak them in a cleansing solution.
  • Schedule regular checkups with your dentist. Many dentists recommend having the teeth professionally cleaned every 6 months for optimal oral health. Seeing the dentist every 3 to 4 months may be needed if your gums become unhealthy.
  • Regular teeth cleaning by a dentist removes plaque that may develop, even with careful brushing and flossing. This is very important for getting at areas that are hard to reach on your own. Professional cleaning includes scaling and polishing. This procedure uses instruments to loosen and remove deposits from the teeth. Routine exams may include dental x-rays. Your dentist can catch problems early, so they do not become more serious and expensive to fix.

Ask your dentist:

What kind of toothbrush you should use, and how to brush your teeth well. Ask if an electric toothbrush is right for you. Electric toothbrushes have been shown to clean teeth better than manual toothbrushes. They often also have a timer to let you know when you have reached the 2 minute mark.
How to properly floss your teeth. Overly vigorous or improper flossing may injure the gums.
Whether you should use any special appliances or tools, such as water irrigation. This may sometimes help supplement (but not replace) brushing and flossing.
Whether you could benefit from particular toothpastes or mouth rinses. In some cases, over-the-counter pastes and rinses may be doing you more harm than good, depending on your condition.


Call your dentist if you have symptoms of a cavity that include:

Pain in the tooth that occurs for no reason or is caused by food, beverages, brushing or flossing
Sensitivity to hot or cold foods or drinks
Get early treatment for gum disease. Call your dentist if you have symptoms of gum disease that include:

  • Red or swollen gums
  • Bleeding in the gums when you brush your teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth
  • Drifting teeth

source: medlineplus

Some facts you should know about Porcelain Veneers

  1. Since they require approximately 0.5 mm of tooth reduction, porcelain veneers are not considered a reversible form of treatment.
  2. Occasionally, the preparation of a porcelain laminate veneer does not necessitate the use of a local anesthetic. However, for those patients that are particularly sensitive or anxious, a local anesthetic is advisable.
  3. The laboratory time required for the fabrication of a porcelain laminate veneer is approximately one week, although this may vary.
  4. You can expect some sensitivity to hot and cold. This is normal and is due to the removal of a small portion of the tooth’s enamel covering. This sensitivity should disappear a few days after the placement of the veneers.
  5. The insertion or cementation of your laminate veneers can be accomplished once again with or without local anesthetic. This visit is usually longer in length. The laminates are placed with a light-sensitive resin hardened with the use of a white light, effectively bonding them to your teeth.
  6. Once placed, your laminate veneers are very strong and will resist most of the forces placed upon them by a normal diet. Porcelain is a glass and like glass it is strong, but brittle. Therefore, you should avoid anything that will tend to stress the laminate veneer. Opening pistachio nuts with your teeth, chewing on bones or candy apples is probably not a good idea. As with most things, common sense should prevail.

Visit our dental clinic in puneSmyleXL dental facility to discover progressively about dental problems

Maintenance of Your New Porcelain Veneers

The maintenance of your porcelain laminate veneers is relatively simple. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Brush and floss as you normally would to prevent dental problems. Porcelain veneers are one of the kindest restorations to gum tissues that we currently have in dentistry. Don’t be afraid of damaging your laminates by either flossing or brushing. Any non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste is acceptable. A good home care regimen will insure the esthetic success of your laminate restorations for years to come.
  2. If you are known to be a bruxer or clencher, i.e. you have a habit of grinding your teeth, please let your dentist know. He or she will fabricate a protective “occlusal” or bite guard for you to wear to minimize the stresses placed upon your teeth while you sleep.
  3. Approximately one week after the placement of your laminates you will be asked to return to the office for a treatment evaluation. This visit is extremely important. It gives your dentist the opportunity to evaluate the placement of the laminates, the gum tissue response and to answer any questions you might have regarding your new smile. Regular maintenance and dental check ups are recommended so that your veneers and oral health can be reviewed periodically.

Frequently Asked Questions About Veneers

  1. What happens to my teeth after veneers, and will I ever get cavities?The integrity of veneered teeth is only marginally compromised, and the veneer is bonded to the existing teeth. There is no higher incidence of decay provided the veneers are properly cared for as previously mentioned with regular flossing and brushing with toothpaste. In general, it is good dental advice to keep your sugar consumption low and confined to meal times to prevent decay.
  2. How long will porcelain veneers last?They can last from seven to twenty years. While the veneer itself is inert and non-living, the tooth or teeth to which they are attached and the surrounding gum tissues are living and may change. For example, gum line shrinkage may expose or reveal root surfaces. If a veneer comes off it can generally be rebonded. If it chips it can sometimes be rebonded or otherwise replaced.
  3. If I have my upper teeth treated with porcelain veneers, will my lower teeth still be a different color, or more yellow?This is certainly a factor that will be discussed during your evaluation and smile design so that everything matches and blends well. Most patients usually whiten the lower teeth with whitening (bleaching) procedures to ensure a good match.
  4. Do porcelain veneers stain with normal things like tea, coffee and wine?Porcelain veneers should never stain; however; if your teeth have a propensity to stain you should try to avoid or minimize the behaviors that lead to staining and look after them as recommended above with normal hygiene and maintenance procedures.
  5. Does dental insurance cover porcelain veneers?Some insurance companies will cover up to 50% of the fee they deem customary. However, it depends upon what your employer has contracted for with your insurance company rather than what your dentist is charging. Don’t forget your dentist also has to pay the dental technician who actually fabricates the veneers, a critical component in the fee.

source: deardoctor

Why Do We Have Bad Breath?

Bad breath also known as halitosis is a condition that will jeopardize a person’s social and even professional life. Some people have it worse than others do especially when the condition becomes chronic. In such a case, it becomes difficult to get rid of the bad breath through regular methods such as brushing teeth or using mouthwash.

To learn more about how to prevent bad breath, visit our dental clinic near kharadi to prevent bad breath and how to cure bad breath

There are various causes, the basic of which is poor oral hygiene. When food particles are left in between teeth, they will decay and cause bad odor.  A lot of cases are easily dealt with when victims improve their dental health by brushing and flossing teeth as regularly as recommended as well as having routine dental checkups and cleaning. As part of lack of good oral hygiene, improper cleaning of dentures for people who use them also leads to bad breath.  The other common cause of halitosis is some foods that you consume. Garlic and onions top the list together with certain spicy foods. In addition, tobacco also contributes greatly to bad breath besides discoloring teeth.

Certain medical conditions contribute to halitosis as well. Sinusitis is one of the most common causes in addition to diabetes, nose infections, bronchitis, and respiratory infection. At the same time, people who suffer from the case of dry mouth consequently suffer from bad breath. The mouth usually lacks enough saliva flow, which can be as a result of several reasons. These include being on certain medication that restrain the flow of saliva in the mouth such as vitamin supplements or suffering from salivary gland disorders. Breathing from the mouth continuously also causes the mouth to dry and therefore produce a bad odor. In addition to all these causes, halitosis is attributed to the large number of bacteria that inhabit the mouth. Their function is to breakdown proteins into amino acids and in the process, they produce smelly gases that translate to halitosis. The same bacteria also acts on food particles left in the mouth, which eventually leads to gum disease that in turn, causes bad breath.

The good news is that halitosis can be treated as well as prevented. The first step is to improve dental hygiene by brushing teeth regularly. A good brand of toothpaste will help fight bacteria and keep your breath fresh. It is also important to always clean the tongue as it harbors a lot of debris that causes bad odor. Visiting a dentist after every six months is also recommended during which they will conduct a thorough dental checkup as you also receive dental cleaning. Treating of chronic bad breath particularly calls for a change in lifestyle. This is more so for people who smoke, consume too much alcohol, or chew tobacco.

Drinking a lot of water regularly across the day is especially helpful to people who suffer from dry mouth. This helps expose the mouth to more oxygen thus reducing bad breath. Mouthwashes are also known to assist in treating bad breath with their antibacterial elements. You will also need to regulate the intake of foods that cause bad breath to treat the condition effectively. Worst cases of chronic halitosis are best taken to specialists for professional treatment.

Article Source: EzineArticles

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

When you look at how much do dental implants cost you have to look at numerous aspects of dental implants and the factors that can impact the overall costs. This no different than evaluating dental veneers or what braces cost. Some of the costs associated with dental implants include the bone structure of the mouth and jaw before the implant is secured.

Looking for the best Dental Implant Treatment Viman Nagar? Dr. Sujit Pardeshi offers top dental implants services at reasonable cost.

Since there are few insurance companies that will cover the implants, most people have to either find a way to pay out of pocket for such expenses or they have to ask the dentist to do a certain amount of their own financing. Some individuals are lucky enough to get a loan for the cost of the entire procedure.

In the most basic form, dental implants cost about $1000 to $3000 per implant. If the bone structure under the gum needs to be adjusted the price can escalate quickly. There are plenty of situations that drive the expenses right up there to more than $30, 000 for just a few teeth.

The costs are influenced by certain aspects like the implantation of the screw that leads into the jaw as well as the restoration of the gum. If the patient has gone an extended period of time without a tooth or a root in the gum line there is a greater need for reconstructive surgery to help stabilize the root site for the implants.

The procedure usually runs through a few simple steps. Each individual tooth may or may not need its own rooting site. This, of course, will depend on the number of and the location of the teeth in question. For many people, the rooting is one of the most expensive parts of the procedure.

A titanium screw is implanted first, often rooted into bone taken from an animal or another form of synthetic bone, which can drive the costs of dental implants way up. From there, the healed mouth is then worked on to implant the false tooth permanently. Each tooth can be cemented into the mouth on a permanent or a semi permanent basis.

For much more in depth information regarding what dental implants cost you can learn more at the web page. In fact many areas as they relate to dental costs are covered. You will find information related to what braces cost, porcelain veneers, and more.

Article Source: EzineArticles