What Are the Best Ways to Prevent Cavities?

No one wants cavities. After all, having cavities means getting work done by the dentist. This work typically involves a drill and several other tools, and (at best) ends in getting a cap and (at worst) ends in a root canal. And no one wants either of these results, really. So, it is best to just avoid this type of work altogether by preventing cavities in the first place.

Root Canal Treatment Viman Nagar is basically a treatment option needed when the decay has penetrated deep into the tooth and has reached the nerve within or the nerve has been exposed due to excessive wear and tear or some iatrogenic cause resulting in tremendous amount of pain.

How can you avoid getting cavities? Here are several tips that will help to keep your mouth as healthy as it can be – and that will help to keep that dental drill as far away as possible.

1. Eat healthy. Sugary foods and drinks are not good for your teeth or oral health. By limiting the amount of junk that you eat and drink, you will be helping to prevent plaque from forming on your teeth.

2. Take care when you do eat and drink sweets. It isn’t reasonable to insist that anyone completely avoid sweets. Instead, be wise when you do eat and drink sweets. After eating a sugary snack, go brush your teeth. And as for a sweet drink, try drinking it through a straw so that the drink never even touches your teeth. Also, with any type of sweet, consume it in one sitting rather than throughout the day so that you can avoid exposing your mouth to it all day long.

3. Brush properly. You have heard it before, of course, but it is extremely important to brush your teeth at least twice each day. Using a fluoride toothpaste will help most, as research has shown that it has a higher chance of fighting cavities.

4. Use a mouthrinse. Several antimicrobial mouth rinses on the market – such as Crest Pro Health and Listerine–have been clinically proven to reduce plaque. Try rinsing with one of these after brushing and after eating for the best results.

5. Don’t forget to floss. So many people skip flossing, but this is a very important step in avoiding cavities. This is because flossing is the only way to remove the food debris that gets caught between the teeth when eating. If traditional dental floss is difficult for you to maneuver, try using floss picks. The single-use picks might make flossing easier for you – and, therefore, you may be less inclined to skip.

6. Chew sugarless gum. The American Dental Association (ADA) awarded their Seal of Acceptance in 2007 to Wrigley’s Orbit, Eclipse, and Extra sugarless chewing gums for helping to prevent cavities. They work by increasing the flow of saliva to your mouth. It is best to chew a piece after meals, when brushing isn’t convenient.

7. Have sealants put on your teeth. Your dentist can place dental sealants, which are a protective coating, on your back teeth. This will help shield these teeth against bacteria and plaque.

8. Visit your dentist regularly. Some cavities – or teeth in danger of getting cavities – can only be detected by a dental x-ray. Regular check-ups are essential.

Article Source: EzineArticles

All About Dental Hygiene – Kids and Proper Care

To those of us who have kids, their health and well-being is the top priority over everything else. Parents often obsess (in a good way) over every aspect of their kids’ health. Dental hygiene, however, does not always get the same treatment. This is unfortunate, because you know who absolutely has to have great dental hygiene? Kids. This article will give you the basic principles you will need to set your kids up on the right track for a healthy mouth.

As you probably know, habits and routines that we pick up as children often stay with us for the rest of our lives, and changing them later gets harder with every passing year. Therefore, it is crucial that your kids get into a good dental hygiene routine as soon as possible. There are essentially three overall principles you should teach your children: how to brush; how to floss; and how to watch what you eat.

Teaching a child how to properly brush is the cornerstone of good dental hygiene. Kids need active instruction, with the parents demonstrating and showing how to brush to the children. When they are old enough (usually around five or six), you can let them brush themselves under your supervision. Make sure to explain how they should brush in small circles around the mouth, instead of back and forth. They should also know to brush for at least a minute, and cover every side of their teeth. To seal the deal, make sure they do this every night for several months. If you do, they will develop a good habit.

For a nice beautiful smile, it is better to see a local cosmetic dentist in pune. If you are living in Pune visit in our dental clinic.

The next thing you should teach a kid is how to floss. Merely brushing is not good enough, for kids or for adults. They also need to floss. Take some floss and explain to them that the brush does not get out all of the food. To get out all of the food, they need to use floss. Then, demonstrate on yourself, and carefully do so on them afterwards. I would not let them floss by themselves until they are at least eight, but if you get them to floss thoroughly, their teeth will be stronger.

Lastly, you need to share with your children what they should eat or drink. While you have total control over their diet at an early age, you will not always be there to monitor them later on. So, tell your children that they should not consume a lot of sugary drinks. They also should chew sugar-free gum, eat crunchy foods with fiber (like apples or celery for cleaning), and refrain from eating a lot of candy. And if they eat, they should brush their teeth if possible afterward, or should at least floss.

The above habits, if taught, will go a long way to teaching your kids good dental hygiene. They will have beautiful smiles – and will also save mom and dad a lot of money in the future.

Article Source: EzineArticles

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

When you look at how much do dental implants cost you have to look at numerous aspects of dental implants and the factors that can impact the overall costs. This no different than evaluating dental veneers or what braces cost. Some of the costs associated with dental implants include the bone structure of the mouth and jaw before the implant is secured.

Looking for the best Dental Implant Treatment Viman Nagar? Dr. Sujit Pardeshi offers top dental implants services at reasonable cost.

Since there are few insurance companies that will cover the implants, most people have to either find a way to pay out of pocket for such expenses or they have to ask the dentist to do a certain amount of their own financing. Some individuals are lucky enough to get a loan for the cost of the entire procedure.

In the most basic form, dental implants cost about $1000 to $3000 per implant. If the bone structure under the gum needs to be adjusted the price can escalate quickly. There are plenty of situations that drive the expenses right up there to more than $30, 000 for just a few teeth.

The costs are influenced by certain aspects like the implantation of the screw that leads into the jaw as well as the restoration of the gum. If the patient has gone an extended period of time without a tooth or a root in the gum line there is a greater need for reconstructive surgery to help stabilize the root site for the implants.

The procedure usually runs through a few simple steps. Each individual tooth may or may not need its own rooting site. This, of course, will depend on the number of and the location of the teeth in question. For many people, the rooting is one of the most expensive parts of the procedure.

A titanium screw is implanted first, often rooted into bone taken from an animal or another form of synthetic bone, which can drive the costs of dental implants way up. From there, the healed mouth is then worked on to implant the false tooth permanently. Each tooth can be cemented into the mouth on a permanent or a semi permanent basis.

For much more in depth information regarding what dental implants cost you can learn more at the web page. In fact many areas as they relate to dental costs are covered. You will find information related to what braces cost, porcelain veneers, and more.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Getting Your Smile Back With Dental Veneers

A beautiful smile is very arresting and can build a lasting impression to anyone. Looking at your smile in the mirror, you would feel your self-confidence going to an all-time high. But then, you also know that a smile does not stay forever. A combination of poor lifestyle, genetics, and bad environment contribute to the loss of luster and even the degradation of teeth. Fortunately, there are many ways one can get his or her picture-perfect smile back. One of them is through dental veneers.

For a nice beautiful smile, it is better to see a local cosmetic dentist in pune. If you are living in Pune visit in our dental clinic near kharadi.

Dental veneers are a form of cosmetic dentistry composed of a thin hollow ceramic material specifically designed for a certain individual’s teeth. The veneers are then placed on the surface of the tooth, effectively covering the enamel. This results to a renewed and improved smile that has whiter and properly aligned set of teeth.

Dental veneers can be a solution to a host of cosmetic dental issues. Over time, the covering of the teeth will be subjected to wear and tear as a result of eating and drinking habits.

Irregular hygiene and smoking contribute as well. These factors make the teeth dull, disfigured, and noticeably discolored. All these teeth issues can be remedied by dental veneers.

Even inborn teeth issues such as uneven spacing of teeth can be fixed by veneers as they can provide a dental patient well spaced and aligned teeth. They also give added layers of protection for the tooth. In some instances, they entirely prevent more complicated procedures such as a dental crown or bridge. This can become an alternative to whitening techniques especially if the teeth in question also have alignment issues.

Indeed, it looks like dental veneers are multifunctional. They don’t only bring back the whiteness of your teeth, but they also protect them from further damage. Of course, dentists will always advise you to change certain dietary habits to ensure that the veneers will be properly taken care of.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Tooth Whitening Rain – Get Whiter Teeth

When you smile, do you feel as if everyone is talking about the discoloration? Individuals that have teeth discoloration have a low self-confidence level when it comes to smiling. There are many products and clinics that can help you with this problem you are dealing with. Why should you deal with discolored teeth when you really do not have to? With the method of tooth whitening rain, you will be able to get whiter teeth in no time. This method is for those individuals that are not only looking for whiter teeth with fresh breath, but a professional look.

For a nice beautiful smile, it is better to see a local cosmetic dentist in pune. If you are living in Pune visit in our dental clinic.

Are you wondering how are teeth discolored in the first place? You see, apart from aging, if you smoke, drink a lot of sodas, caffeine and eat certain foods, you are staining your teeth. This is why it is very important to slack down a bit on those foods and drinks that discolor your teeth if you would like to have whiter teeth.

Teeth whitening is simple and effective, depending on the method you choose. With the tooth whitening rain method, you will get just what you want. We guarantee you will have a brighter and lighter smile that will let your confidence shine threw.

This method will last much longer than the normal system out there and your teeth will be sure to sprinkle. After you use this treatment, you may need to get some touchups done after months have passed. However, if you cut down on the foods and drinks that stain as well as smoking, the whiter teeth may last longer.

What have you learnt from this article? You have learnt to try teeth whitening rain if you have discolored teeth. With this solution, we guarantee each time you smile, individuals are going to admire those pretty, white teeth.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Great Home Remedies to Cure Bad Breath

If you or someone you know suffers from bad breath (otherwise known as halitosis), then solving this problem is obviously a big priority for you or them. There are plenty of treatments and cures out there on the market, but most of these are expensive or complicated, and may involve going to a medical professional. If you do not like the sound of this, then there are home remedies to cure stinky breath you can use in the privacy of your own home.

One of the simplest (and most popular) home remedies for halitosis involves a common, everyday ingredient: baking soda. Baking soda has been used for generations as an effective deodorizer and cleanser. People keep an open box in the refrigerator for that reason: to clean the air of bad odors. Baking soda can do the same for your mouth. If you want a simple, no-frills solution, take some baking soda and mix it with water, then apply to your brush as a toothpaste. If the taste puts you off, then add a drop or two of mint extract to the mixture to give it a fresh, minty taste.

contact with our dentist pune for a thorough dental check up and cleaning so you can stop dental decay in its tracks today.

Another home remedy to get rid of foul smells from your mouth is also very simple: green tea. Did you know that green tea is a great anti-bacterial beverage? It is true. There is something about the chemistry of green tea that kills bacteria; this, in addition to its antioxidant properties, make green tea great for your health. For a quick and effective home remedy, simply rinse your mouth with green tea instead of regular mouthwash. Try and avoid green tea that has had sugar or honey added to it; regular green tea is your best bet for a mouthwash.

Finally, a simple and effective home remedy to cure bad breath is simply eating the right food. Citrus fruits are great for bad breath because they are acidic. Citric acid is effective at cleaning your mouth and killing bacteria, as well as restoring the pH balance in your mouth. This can seriously inhibit bad breath from developing. Chewing on parsley is another way to use food as a treatment for bad breath. Mint leaves also work well for this purpose.

With these home remedies to cure bad breath, you do not have to go to the store and spent a lot of money on bad breath cures. You can just use the ingredients you have in your very own home for a nice, refreshing solution that will leave your mouth smelling great.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Sensitive Teeth Treatment and Prevention For Patients

Ever wondered, why you can’t take up cold, hot or even sweet things in your mouth, without getting aching feeling in your mouth. In some extreme cases, patients can’t even touch their tooth with their tongue or other teeth. In such cases, it is advisable to consult a dentist for your treatment.

For a nice beautiful smile, it is better to see a local cosmetic dentist in pune. If you are living in Pune visit in our dental clinic.

Most people ignore this pain due to lack of time and money. Some others simply ignore it that is nothing of concern and dismiss it, altogether. But the fact is that it is a kind of tooth condition, when people have to suffer from pain, as and when they consume anything that hurts their tooth.

There are generally two types of tooth sensitivity:

Dentinal: Dentin, the middle layer of tooth is covered and protected by enamel above the gum line and centum below the gum line. Tooth’s center has a nerve branch, emerging from tooth pulp.

After prolonged neglect, dentin and centum are stripped-off leading to exposure of inner dentin. This dentin has nerve center in it which gets exposed to hot and cold liquid and creates sensitivity. It’s actually the nerves which get affected and cause dentinal sensitivity. One or more teeth can be affected by dentinal sensitivity.

Pulpal: The center of tooth constitutes blood vessels and nerves. When, the pulp of teeth gets exposed to different temperatures, then it causes sensitivity, known as pulpal sensitivity. It is generally connected with single tooth.

Causes of Sensitive teeth are:

o Poor oral hygiene

o Vigorous brushing of teeth, leading to destruction of enamel of teeth

o Tooth wearing for longer time.

o A filling which gets cracked over a period of time

o High consumption of acidic foods or beverages

o Tooth whitening with poor roots and excessive tooth whitening

o Untreated cavities

o Improper surgery in which roots of teeth are exposed

o An infection in tooth

o Broken or cracked tooth

All these problems are avoidable and treatment is also available for them. Therefore, it is better to have proper oral hygiene. Brushing twice a day, using soft brush, have proper and timely dental check-up and keep proper record of all visits help in prevention of sensitive teeth in most cases.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Dental Implant Treatment – A Yes Or a No?

Basic knowledge may have made us think that our teeth are made up of bones. The truth, however, is that they are made up of tissues of different density and level of hardness. Since our teeth are considered to be the most long lasting features of any mammals, their care and preservation is highly important. But, it is also undeniable that certain dental conditions arise that may result to the complete loss of one or more teeth. In this situation, our modern technology has come up with various solutions. One of these is the dental implant treatment.

The process simply involves the implantation of an artificial tooth replacement in the jawbones to replace the lost one. This is done through a surgery. The metal part of the implant has the ability to fuse with the jawbone as the jawbone heals. This ensures the security of the replacement and to avoid slipping and the likes.

Have you been looking to get your dental implant in Viman Nagar? Smylexl dental implants are the best way to replace your missing teeth painlessly and quickly. There are several skilled dental surgeons in pune who use the latest dental implant techniques for maximum effectiveness.

There are several other procedures to solve the problem of the missing tooth. Bridges are good, but they can cause damage on otherwise healthy teeth. Dentures, on the other hand, can restore the beautiful smile, but they may slip, create clicking noises and are one of the contributing factors to bone loss.

There are certain risks involved in a dental implantation. The implant site might get infected or the surrounding structures in the form of blood vessels and other teeth as well might be injured or damaged. Nerve damage may also happen. This is characterized by a certain amount of pain, a tingling sensation in the natural teeth as well as numbness. Once the implantation is done and the jawbone starts healing, there is also the possibility of the implants getting into any one of the sinus cavities, resulting to sinus problems.

Serious problems are, however, quite rare in this specific procedure. More so, there are various strategies to be ready for the process and its consequences. The most important task falls on the responsibility taken by the dental health professional. Any medical and dental procedures should be done with a licensed professional in the field only to avoid unnecessary complications.

A dental implant treatment is overall one of the best options around town. All it takes is a good amount of responsibility, and this technology can really work for anyone.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Why You Should Consider a Dental Implant Dentist

Finding a dental implant dentist is a good alternative to getting removable dentures. In fact, there are many reasons that make this option far more effective and a much better choice all round. While removable dentures are the cheapest option, they fall short in a number of respects.

Looking for the best Dental Implant Treatment Viman Nagar? Dr. Sujit Pardeshi offers top dental implants services at reasonable cost.

The dental implant is basically a replacement tooth. They act and feel like natural teeth and nobody will know any better as they are certainly not obvious. They can dramatically improve your appearance if you have had an accident that is destroyed one or more of your teeth.

In order to profit from the dental implants, you need to have good oral hygiene and the bone structure in your jaw to support it. There are a few other requirements, but it shouldn’t be a problem and it is definitely an option worth looking into if you need to have one or more of your teeth replaced.

Unlike removable dentures, currently still the most popular and common method and also the cheapest, dental implants are not likely to make for any saw areas of the mouth and unlike removable dentures, they don’t need removing for cleaning and they are completely permanent.

Also, unlike removable dentures, teeth implants do not move and there’s no risk of them falling out and causing unwanted embarrassment. Basically, there are more reliable and every respect. There also better if you’re eating and you’ll get used to them very quickly.

Dental implants also make no different to your speech and your sense of taste. In fact, there are various types of foods which cannot even safely be eaten with the traditional removal dentures. This is not the case for dental implants are compatible with everything. In conclusion, it is basically like having a real tooth.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Dental Implants

Have you been looking to get your dental implant in Viman Nagar? Smylexl dental implants are the best way to replace your missing teeth painlessly and quickly. There are several skilled dental surgeons in pune who use the latest dental implant techniques for maximum effectiveness.

Dental implants, used in prosthetic dentistry, are a method of artificial tooth root replacement. The purpose of this procedure is to replace missing teeth. In this treatment, titanium is fused into the patient’s jawbone to prepare the root for the artificial teeth.


The two main stages are:

  • Dental implant surgery: In the first stage, dental implants are placed in the jawbone of the patient.
  • Implant restoration: Here, the crown is finally built on the dental implants.

The two stages are separated by a minimum of three months, during which healing occurs. The duration for the complete process varies from patient to patient. It depends on many factors, such as the patient’s health condition. Both these stages have been made pain- and anxiety-free with the use of sedation. Dentists normally apply local anesthetics for this purpose.

Success Rates

The complete time of treatment for  dental implants may span anywhere from three to nine months. However, in some cases, the duration may be longer. The largest time is spent on healing and for the fusion of the implant with the jawbone.

In certain cases, dentists may restore the implants immediately after the preparation of the root. This process is known as immediate loading. Since the duration of this procedure is very small, patients can go back home after the restoration within a single day. Success rates for the implants have been very high, with rarely any case of complications.


They are more effective than the traditional method of tooth replacement involving dentures or bridgework. So, if you have been wearing those ill-fitting dentures, just get rid of them and opt for the dental implants. It also allow you to chew your food easily, since they are very similar to the original teeth. They also provide improved comfort, increased stability, greater ease of speech and a more attractive smile.

So if you want to replace your missing teeth with a natural-looking set, consult the experts at Pune Dental Designs. The dental clinic has been instrumental in improving the quality of life of several Minneapolis residents with their best dental services.

Article Source: EzineArticles