Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt in permanent human dentition. Wisdom teeth removal is a surgical process to remove unwanted third molar teeth which are causing pain or damage to the gums.

Inappropriately positioned wisdom teeth pose damage to the adjacent teeth or surrounding structures, hence, they require surgical removal.

Call Our Dentist in Viman Nagar, SmyleXL Dental Clinic to Learn More about dental care.

Indications for the removal of wisdom teeth

There are many potential reasons why wisdom teeth need to be removed. Below is the list of various situations when the extraction of these teeth is recommended:

Frequent pain, infection or pericoronitis

Pericoronitis is referred to as inflammation of the gums/gingiva surrounding the partially erupted teeth. Pericoronitis can manifest in both acute and chronic forms. Partially erupted third molars usually lead to chronic recurring episodes of pericoronitis.

Patients usually experience excruciating pain and analgesics and antibiotic therapy alone fail to relieve symptoms of pericoronitis. Removal of wisdom teeth is a permanent cure for recurring pericoronitis.

A deep pocket leading to gum damage

A partially erupted the third molar makes a room for the food particles to reside in between the gum and the tooth, which leads to the formation of a periodontal pocket.

Periodontal pockets usually develop on the distal side of second molar teeth and a recurrent pocket formation can lead to pain, bleeding and at times also result in potential problems like bone loss. Hence, it is advisable to remove partially erupted third molars.

To create space in the dental arch for aligning the misaligned teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth acquire space in a narrow dental arch. Misaligned teeth are usually corrected with the help of braces. An orthodontist (a dentist who specializes in aligning the misaligned teeth) may recommend the removal of third molar teeth prior to an orthodontic treatment. Removal of impacted teeth creates more room for proper alignment of misaligned teeth.

Prevention of tooth cavities and root resorption

Third molar teeth lie at the back of the mouth. During brushing it becomes difficult to access and clean them. This makes third molars more predisposed to cavities and can also lead to the root resorption and cavity formation in the adjacent tooth. To prevent such complications it is advisable to remove partially erupted third molars.

Management of associated pathologies

Impacted third molars may give rise to odontogenic cysts and tumors; however it occurs rarely. These cysts and tumors are usually asymptomatic and are usually discovered accidently during an X-ray or during histopathological examination. To prevent any further complication it is advisable to remove third molar.

Before fabrication of a prosthesis

Impacted third molars may hinder the proper fitting of the prosthesis such as dentures. A prosthodontist may recommend the removal of impacted third molars before fabricating prosthesis in such patients.

For a removable prosthesis, at least 1 to 2 mm of bone is required between the tooth and the prosthesis to prevent irritation and resultant infection. Hence, it is advisable to remove third molars before fabricating a denture.

Prior to orthognathic surgeries

Orthognathic surgeries are done to correct the skeletal deformities. These surgeries are performed to correct mastication, speech, aesthetics and overall symmetry of the jaw bones. Dentists usually remove impacted third molars prior to such surgeries to avoid any interference during the surgical procedures.

Steps and procedure in wisdom teeth removal

Preparation prior to surgery

Complex wisdom tooth extractions are performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Patient’s medical history is studied before the surgery and a careful evaluation of the target tooth is done with specialized radiographs like intraoral periapical (IOPA) and orthopantomogram (OPG).

Diagnostic tests like a complete blood count, clotting and bleeding time are checked to prevent any complication and blood loss during surgery. Prior to the surgery, vitals of the patient are observed, and a local anesthetic is administered in minute amounts to check for allergic reactions.

1. Isolate the operative site

It is a three-step procedure and involves scrubbing and painting the skin oral mucosa (lining) with a cetrimide and povidone and iodine solution. However, scrubbing is done only on the skin, rinsing the skin with a normal saline solution to remove any soap residues, and painting the skin with a povidone-iodine solution to prevent the growth of microbes.

2. Administer anesthesia

Post the isolation process, the dentist injects anesthesia. There are two types of anesthesia namely local anesthesia and general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is the most common form of anesthesia injected to remove impacted teeth. This form of anesthesia is injected into the nerve supplying the tooth or around the area surrounding the tooth. The patient remains conscious during the surgical procedure.

Under some medical situations general anesthesia is given either via an intravenous route or by inhalation. The patient is unconscious at the time of surgery.

3. Incision of the gum tissue

The gum tissue is incised and the flap is raised to expose the bone and the tooth. This allows visibility of the impacted tooth to be removed. Dentists employ different types of flap designs for a speedy post operative healing, to minimize pain, swelling and infection. For removing mandibular (lower jaw) third molars mucoperiosteal flap is raised. Some other types of flaps are a buccal envelope flap and a triangular three-cornered flap.

4. Post-incision

Overlying bone above the impacted third molar is done either with chisel and mallet (hand instruments) or with dental burs. Usually a round bur is employed for gross bone removal. The alveolar bone overlying the tooth is shaved in way to create an appropriate groove; however it is ensured that minimal bone loss should occur during the process as it promotes faster post operative healing. Bone removal allows the access to the target tooth.

5. Sectioning of the tooth

Once the tooth is accessed it is divided into sections. Sectioning the tooth is important as it safely removes the tooth with minimal trauma. The number of sections in a tooth usually depends on various factors such as number and shape of the roots. At times the anatomy of nearby nerve is also considered while sectioning the tooth. Tooth sectioning easily removes the tooth from the socket.

6. The surgical site is cleaned

Surgical site is more susceptible to various infections, which may further complicate the healing process. Post closing the surgical site with stitches surgical site is properly cleansed to minimize the chances of infection. The patient is also advised not to touch the site to prevent any infection. Finally, gauze is placed over the stitches to manage any bleeding.


How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

When you look at how much do dental implants cost you have to look at numerous aspects of dental implants and the factors that can impact the overall costs. This no different than evaluating dental veneers or what braces cost. Some of the costs associated with dental implants include the bone structure of the mouth and jaw before the implant is secured.

Looking for the best Dental Implant Treatment Viman Nagar? Dr. Sujit Pardeshi offers top dental implants services at reasonable cost.

Since there are few insurance companies that will cover the implants, most people have to either find a way to pay out of pocket for such expenses or they have to ask the dentist to do a certain amount of their own financing. Some individuals are lucky enough to get a loan for the cost of the entire procedure.

In the most basic form, dental implants cost about $1000 to $3000 per implant. If the bone structure under the gum needs to be adjusted the price can escalate quickly. There are plenty of situations that drive the expenses right up there to more than $30, 000 for just a few teeth.

The costs are influenced by certain aspects like the implantation of the screw that leads into the jaw as well as the restoration of the gum. If the patient has gone an extended period of time without a tooth or a root in the gum line there is a greater need for reconstructive surgery to help stabilize the root site for the implants.

The procedure usually runs through a few simple steps. Each individual tooth may or may not need its own rooting site. This, of course, will depend on the number of and the location of the teeth in question. For many people, the rooting is one of the most expensive parts of the procedure.

A titanium screw is implanted first, often rooted into bone taken from an animal or another form of synthetic bone, which can drive the costs of dental implants way up. From there, the healed mouth is then worked on to implant the false tooth permanently. Each tooth can be cemented into the mouth on a permanent or a semi permanent basis.

For much more in depth information regarding what dental implants cost you can learn more at the web page. In fact many areas as they relate to dental costs are covered. You will find information related to what braces cost, porcelain veneers, and more.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Dental Implant Treatment – A Yes Or a No?

Basic knowledge may have made us think that our teeth are made up of bones. The truth, however, is that they are made up of tissues of different density and level of hardness. Since our teeth are considered to be the most long lasting features of any mammals, their care and preservation is highly important. But, it is also undeniable that certain dental conditions arise that may result to the complete loss of one or more teeth. In this situation, our modern technology has come up with various solutions. One of these is the dental implant treatment.

The process simply involves the implantation of an artificial tooth replacement in the jawbones to replace the lost one. This is done through a surgery. The metal part of the implant has the ability to fuse with the jawbone as the jawbone heals. This ensures the security of the replacement and to avoid slipping and the likes.

Have you been looking to get your dental implant in Viman Nagar? Smylexl dental implants are the best way to replace your missing teeth painlessly and quickly. There are several skilled dental surgeons in pune who use the latest dental implant techniques for maximum effectiveness.

There are several other procedures to solve the problem of the missing tooth. Bridges are good, but they can cause damage on otherwise healthy teeth. Dentures, on the other hand, can restore the beautiful smile, but they may slip, create clicking noises and are one of the contributing factors to bone loss.

There are certain risks involved in a dental implantation. The implant site might get infected or the surrounding structures in the form of blood vessels and other teeth as well might be injured or damaged. Nerve damage may also happen. This is characterized by a certain amount of pain, a tingling sensation in the natural teeth as well as numbness. Once the implantation is done and the jawbone starts healing, there is also the possibility of the implants getting into any one of the sinus cavities, resulting to sinus problems.

Serious problems are, however, quite rare in this specific procedure. More so, there are various strategies to be ready for the process and its consequences. The most important task falls on the responsibility taken by the dental health professional. Any medical and dental procedures should be done with a licensed professional in the field only to avoid unnecessary complications.

A dental implant treatment is overall one of the best options around town. All it takes is a good amount of responsibility, and this technology can really work for anyone.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Why You Should Consider a Dental Implant Dentist

Finding a dental implant dentist is a good alternative to getting removable dentures. In fact, there are many reasons that make this option far more effective and a much better choice all round. While removable dentures are the cheapest option, they fall short in a number of respects.

Looking for the best Dental Implant Treatment Viman Nagar? Dr. Sujit Pardeshi offers top dental implants services at reasonable cost.

The dental implant is basically a replacement tooth. They act and feel like natural teeth and nobody will know any better as they are certainly not obvious. They can dramatically improve your appearance if you have had an accident that is destroyed one or more of your teeth.

In order to profit from the dental implants, you need to have good oral hygiene and the bone structure in your jaw to support it. There are a few other requirements, but it shouldn’t be a problem and it is definitely an option worth looking into if you need to have one or more of your teeth replaced.

Unlike removable dentures, currently still the most popular and common method and also the cheapest, dental implants are not likely to make for any saw areas of the mouth and unlike removable dentures, they don’t need removing for cleaning and they are completely permanent.

Also, unlike removable dentures, teeth implants do not move and there’s no risk of them falling out and causing unwanted embarrassment. Basically, there are more reliable and every respect. There also better if you’re eating and you’ll get used to them very quickly.

Dental implants also make no different to your speech and your sense of taste. In fact, there are various types of foods which cannot even safely be eaten with the traditional removal dentures. This is not the case for dental implants are compatible with everything. In conclusion, it is basically like having a real tooth.

Article Source: EzineArticles

Why Fret on Losing a Tooth, Invest on Dental Implants

There was a time when people used on invest on cheaper alternatives when they lost a tooth or two. These days, a major share of them is opting for dental implants. A definition of the procedure along with an appropriate explanation of the same will be listed in the succeeding sections. Dental implantation is an expensive procedure and is often considered as a part of cosmetic surgery. The delicate nature of the surgical procedures must never be under estimated. Only registered practitioners are allowed to conduct the procedures – ensure that you are seeking the aid of one for implementing the same.

Looking for the best Dental Implant Treatment Viman Nagar? Dr. Sujit Pardeshi offers top dental implants services at reasonable cost.

Replacing a faulty tooth with an artificial tooth – this is a simple definition of the ordeal. Have you ever wondered about the placement on the teeth? In other words, how is a tooth fixed on the jawbone? The teeth are held in the position with the aid of “root” of the teeth. In order to conduct a dental implant, the dentist will extract the faulty teeth, initially. Once the teeth are extracted, a suitable artificial root will be fixed into the jawbone. This root mechanism will hold the artificial teeth.

The process might seem straightforward to the majority of the readers. Instead of thinking lightly, I would suggest to take a closer look at the paradigm. The dentist is known to execute the process as a series of stages. According to the dexterity of the dentist, the number of stages can be reduced significantly. The process has to be done at a slow pace and ample time for healing must be imparted, so that the dental implantation procedure can be considered as a success. The dentist will have to study the network of nerves running along the region, likewise.

The artificial implant is screwed into the jawbone. During the process, the dentist must ensure that the implant does not damage the underlying nerve cells. Unlike the other type of cells found in the human body, nerve cells cannot be repaired when they are damaged. As I had mentioned in the first passage, only those who are authorized to conduct the ordeal must initiate the implantation procedure. The aid of complicated infrastructure is usually employed for studying the underlying nerve network. Primarily, two types of dental implant procedures are conducted, they are the osseointegrated implant and fibrointegrated implant.

Among these, the dentists commonly practice the osseointegrated implant procedure. This is because the implant will fuse into the underlying bone – thus making the procedure permanent. In other words, the strength of the implant will be augmented in many manners. The healing time might take approximately six months for some of the patients. There are widespread issues pertaining to the affectivity of the procedure. Developments in the niche are aiding the dentists in reducing the time (as well as the efforts) required to conduct a successful dental implantation. The timing of the surgery is an important aspect that must not be ignored when dental implants are considered.

Article Source: EzineArticle

Tips for Preventing Build Up of Dental Plaque

If you try rubbing your tongue along the surface of your teeth after not brushing for a couple of days, you will find that it feels a little bit fuzzy and sticky. This sticky film is dental plaque. You may not be able to see anything as the film is colorless but you can definitely feel it. It feels quite different from squeaky clean teeth.

How Plaque Forms

Before getting to the tips on how to remove plaque, it is important to understand a little bit about how plaque forms.

The bacteria that live in our mouth act on the foods that we eat and produce acids. These acids together with the bacteria, food and saliva form plaque that sticks to the teeth. This happens within minutes of eating. If left on for too long, the acid starts acting on the teeth and results in tooth cavities.

How to Prevent Plaque Formation

Avoid or at least limit eating sugary, starchy and sticky foods: The bacteria in the mouth have a special affinity for starch and sugary foods such as bread, cakes, cookies and milk as well as foods that are sticky such as raisins and candies. When you eat these foods, they go to work immediately and produce a lot of acid, which is damaging to the teeth.

Make sure to brush at least twice a day: Because plaque formation is a natural process that goes on every time you eat something, it is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day to prevent the plaque from hardening into tartar on teeth. Dental tartar is plaque that has hardened. It is more damaging than plaque and can lead to gum disease or gingivitis and serious dental decay.

Floss regularly: No matter how often or how thoroughly you may brush your teeth; there are some places that the bristles of the brush just cannot reach. Hard to reach places are the back molars and in between the teeth and just under the gum line. Flossing helps you clean those areas that cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush. It is important to floss regularly or else the plaque will harden into tartar.

Get regular dental checkups: The best time to go to your dentist is before you tooth starts paining. When you have a toothache, it is a sign that the damage has already progressed to the severe stage. During a routine checkup, a dentist will do a thorough checkup to identify early signs of tooth decay. The earlier the cavity is detected the easier it is to get treated. The dentist will also do a scaling of your teeth to remove all the plaque and prevent the formation of more cavities.

When it comes to dental cavities, prevention is infinitely better than cure. Don’t wait till you have a toothache. Call dental clinic near kharadi for a thorough dental check up and cleaning so you can stop dental decay in its tracks today. Also, check out their new page on Dental Plaque.

Article Source: EzineArticles

5 Difference Between Implant And Denture

Many people loose their teeth due to aging, accident, cavities, poor oral hygiene. People don’t realize importance of teeth until they loose it. It’s very essential to replace missing teeth in order to perform normal chewing functions and maintain structural integrity of your face. To treat a missing tooth, there are two main options available:
– Dental Implants
– Dentures

Let’s see the difference between two

1. Fixed and removable

Dental implant is a artificial tooth which is placed in your jaw surgically to replace the missing tooth. It is a fixed prosthesis which cannot be removed by patient.
Denture is an artificial prosthesis which is placed on the gums and can be removed anytime by patient. No surgical treatment is required for denture.

2. Bone Resorption

Dental implants imitates the original tooth roots. As the implant is now acting as a natural root , process of bone resorption is under control , acting as a defence for your bones to deteriorate.
Dentures are not integrated into the roots but positioned above the gums. Hence, they cannot stop bone quality to decrease which lead to further deterioration of facial structure.

3. Comfort

Dental Implants are fixed firmly to the gums and resembles closest to natural tooth. It feels and looks like natural tooth and helps restore normal chewing capacity helping patient to eat whatever they want.
In case of dentures they can feel unnatural or fake, it can sometimes come lose, slip out of place, or fall out completely making it embarrassing. Dentures doesn’t give liberty to eat all kind of food and can affect your ability to experience full taste of food.

4. Cleaning

Dental Implant is fixed in its position. therefore, it is not needed to take out the implant from mouth, specifically for cleaning. Regular cleaning and brushing is good enough for maintenance.
A denture is required to be taken out of the mouth for cleaning and maintenance purposes regularly.

5. Strength

Dental Implants are strongest form of tooth replacement available.Thus, it is highly unlikely for the implants to break, so they don’t need to be replaced .
Denture can break easily when dropped on floor. It has to be replaced in few years as they tend to become loose. Although initial cost of denture is low but it has to replaced while dental implant is a lifetime investment

Though at the end both of these options can restore a seamless appearance to your smile by replacing missing teeth with artificial teeth.However, only dental implants can provide fully restored strength and function to your smile. So whenever you need to replace missing teeth, consult with an experienced dentist in viman nagar to determine best option for your smile.
Until the next time
– SmyleXl

You Have Options for Replacing a Lost Tooth

In case you’re feeling the loss of a tooth, you have a few alternatives. The minimum prudent is to do nothing! It’s not just about feel… Replacing a lost tooth is essential to reestablishing greatest capacity, keeping up the arrangement of encompassing teeth, and safeguarding facial forms.

Your magnificent whites don’t simply look beautiful, they are imperative place holders for one another. After some time, those contiguous a toothless hole can float to round the space and move twisted. Moreover, tooth roots beneath the gums give incitement that the hidden jawbone needs to keep up its frame and thickness.

Following are basic ways to deal with supplanting a lost tooth. The most proper for you will rely upon an assortment of elements that you ought to talk about with your dental practitioner in viman nagar.

Dental Implant

The present highest quality level for tooth substitution is the dental embed. This is really a tooth root substitution to which an independently designed crown is joined. For effective implantation, there must be an adequate measure of solid jawbone to grapple the embed and the adjoining gums and teeth must be sound. Certain foundational wellbeing conditions may block implantation also.


Stylish, utilitarian, dependable

Animates the jaw issue that remains to be worked out and modify

Does not bargain the trustworthiness of contiguous teeth

Diminished danger of periodontal (gum) illness contrasted and a scaffold


More costly than a scaffold (however more solid so it could be more savvy long haul)

Requires minor medical procedure and recuperating time before arrangement of a changeless crown

Settled Partial Denture

Preceding inserts, the three-unit settled incomplete denture (FPD), or settled extension, was the standard methodology for tooth substitution. In this situation, the two teeth on either side of the hole (the “projection” teeth) are delegated and the crowns bolster a “pontic” — a false tooth — between them like pickets in a fence.


Gives typical capacity and style

Less hold up time than with inserts

More affordable than inserts


Harm to adjoining teeth (must be molded to oblige the crown)

More prominent defenselessness to tooth rot

Jawbone underneath the pontic may weaken after some time

Removable Partial Denture (RPD)

A RPD is made of a fake tooth secured in plastic that emulates gum tissue. It is connected to metal catches that snare onto contiguous characteristic teeth. It very well may be evacuated for cleaning.


Stylish, practical

Minimum costly alternative


More noteworthy helplessness for periodontal (gum) ailment and tooth rot

Generally results in teeth ending up free

May have steadiness and solace issues

May not fit directly after some time

Jawbone underneath may break down after some time

Dental Implant Specialist In Viman Nagar

If A Back Tooth Is Lost, Will You Miss It?

An astonishing number of Americans — approximately 70% of the U.S. populace — is believed to miss something like one tooth, typically one of the molars toward the rear. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you can’t see the missing tooth, does it really make a difference? Maybe startlingly, the appropriate response is: Yes, it does!

The genuine issue with tooth misfortune isn’t feel (despite the fact that that is absolutely an imperative thought) — it’s the bone misfortune that accompanies it. The alveolar bone, which encompasses the teeth, requires consistent incitement with a specific end goal to remain solid. Without such incitement — which originates from minor burdens transmitted by the teeth themselves — the bone progressively dissolves away. Tooth misfortune can cause a 25% reduction in bone width in the main year alone, and more in consequent years.

What happens when bone is lost? On the off chance that enough teeth are lost, the capacity to talk and bite can be debilitated. The shapes of the face and lips change, making an individual look recognizably more established and gloomier. In the long run, the nibble may adequately crumple — alongside the self-assurance!

Luckily, there is approach to shield tooth misfortune from getting to be bone misfortune: it’s the dental embed. Since the embed really ends up intertwined to the living bone, it enables keep to bone sound and practical — and it looks incredible as well! Take in more by perusing the Dear Doctor magazine article “The Hidden Consequences of Losing Teeth.”

Dentist in Viman Nagar | Root Canal Specialist In Viman Nagar | Dental Implant Specialist In Viman Nagar

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Nervous About Implant Surgery

Dental implants have picked up a well known notoriety for their life-like appearance and life span. A great part of the last is owing to the titanium post imbedded in the jawbone. Since titanium has a characteristic proclivity with bone, new cells will develop and stick to the dental implant after some time, making their association solid and tough.


Obviously, to accomplish that requires implant medical procedure — a prospect that gives numerous individuals delay before picking this substitution alternative. Be that as it may, implant medical procedure is a normal endeavor, causes almost no inconvenience and in prepared hands has a high achievement rate.

Here are 3 reasons why implant medical procedure is not something to be apprehensive about.

The methodology is unequivocally arranged. implant medical procedure is a moderately minor method, for the most part since all the situation points of interest are frequently mapped out early. For complex circumstances your dental practitioner can utilize x-beam or CT imaging to decide the correct area for each implant and make a careful manual for use amid the methodology to make cuts and make the little channel that will hold the implant.

implant medical procedure can be performed with neighborhood anesthesia. Implantation is generally simpler than tooth extraction — in case you’re solid enough for that technique you ought to have no issue experiencing insert medical procedure. With a neighborhood soporific, your dental practitioner will numb just the implant site and encompassing tissues while you stay cognizant. Assuming, be that as it may, you have any nervousness your dental practitioner can likewise incorporate a calming or against uneasiness drug before continuing.

There’s negligible distress a short time later. On account of the pre-arranged careful guide and propelled implantation methods, there’s next to no tissue disturbance and etched tissues are typically sewed with self-engrossing sutures. While a few cases may require more grounded torment relievers, more often than not a gentle non-steroidal mitigating drug (NSAID, for example, headache medicine or ibuprofen is adequate for inconvenience a short time later.

The implant site mends decently fast and typically with a 95-97% achievement rate. Fourteen days after bone joining your dental practitioner will connect the changeless like-like crown, and you’ll be prepared for a long time of full capacity and a sure grin.

Dental implant is the only options for missing teeth replacement, get your dental implant from Dental Implant Specialist In Viman Nagar at SmyleXl multi-speciality Dental clinic.